CIS (Construction Industry Scheme)

Taking the hassle away for you.....

Sole Traders 

  • if you need to file a tax return because you are CIS registered, we can do this for you
  • We can also speak to HMRC on your behalf - so you can use your time more productively.

Limited Companies / contractors

  • we can produce your CIS 300 return each month along with calculating your payroll liabilites and ensuring you only pay what you actually owe.
  • we will produce CIS deduction statements for all your sub-contractors as required.

We at Kinetix Accounting Services do all the hard work for you, so you don't have to.  We check all your paperwork is correct and when we are 100% satisfied that all information is accurate, we will file your CIS return on time with the HMRC, so you are not liable for any fines or penalties.

Please check out the video below for an easy to understand explanation of CIS.

CIS Video

Check out this great video to help explain the CIS process.